The scientific conference called “Die Barbaren Roms. Inklusion, Exklusion und Identität im Römischen Reich und im Barbaricum (1-3. Jht. n. Chr.)” [The Barbarians of Rome. Inclusion, Exclusion and Identity in the Roman Empire and the Barbaricum during the 1st – 3rd Century A.D.] took place at Iași on the 24th – 27th September 2014.

The meeting organised by the Iași University from Romania (Alexander Rubel) and Konstanz University from Germany (Ulrich Gotter), focused on different aspects of the Romanisation phenomenon. The funding was assured by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD, Bonn) and through „The Other in Action. The Barbarization of Rome and the Romanization of the World” CNCS – UEFSCDI project. The participants and speakers from Romania, Germany, USA, Canada, Italy, Hungary, Moldova and Bulgaria are mostly former scholars that graduated a long-term internship at one of the research institutes from Germany. Thus, this meeting contributed to the continuous networking of south-east European former scholars of Germany. The speakers prepared a wide range of themes and issues discussed, from types and shapes of fibulae to the notion of barbarian in the works of ancient author Solinus, up to aspects of Roman religion and the commercial contacts of Roman Province Dacia. Alexandru Popa spoke about the recognition of cultural and ethnic identities in the auxiliary roman camps from Dacia („Überlegungen zur Erkennung kultureller und ethnischer Identitäten in den römischen Auxiliarkastellen Dakiens”).