„The Eastern Border of Roman Dacia” presented at the „Andrei Șaguna Days” event from Sf. Gheorghe
The members of the project took part at the symposium called „The relations of south-eastern Transylvania with Moldova, Țara Românească and Romania Kingdom, until the Great Union on the 1st December 1918” [Relațiile sud-estului Transilvaniei cu Moldova, Țara Românească şi Regatul României, până la Marea Unire de la 1 Decembrie 1918] that was held on the 26th – 27th June 2015 at Sf. Gheorghe, during the 23rd edition of the „Andrei Șaguna” Days. We presented the newest results of the archaeological researches we conducted in south-eastern Transylvania within a Session dedicated to Archaeology and Museology.
During this event held at Sf. Gheorghe Alexandru Popa presented a work called „The relations of the romans and their neighbours east of province Dacia: considerations upon the structure and the dynamic of the so-called „roman imports in barbaricum”.
As a co-worker of the project Andrea Chiricescu presented a work called „The eastern Limes of Roman Dacia: an exhibition with and for secondary school pupils”. Both this micro-project and the presentation were elaborated and conducted together with Alexandru Popa.