The “Roman Border in Eastern Dacia Province” research project presented at the University from Regensburg/Germany

Owing to the mobility within the project, dr. habil. Alexandru Popa was given the opportunity to hold a scientific presentation at the University from Regensburg/Germany regarding the most recent researches in the roman camp at Brețcu. The conference called „ Das römische Militärlager bei Breţcu im südöstlichen Siebenbürgen: Ergebnisse und Perspektiven interdisziplinärer Forschungen am Limes Dacicus orientalis” focused on describing the use of modern technologies of applied archaeology in the filed documentation of the Roman Limes in south-east Transylvania. After the presentation the professors and the students were given the opportunity to ask questions and receive quick and precise answers. Within a discussion round following this presentation the project’s director and the professors explored the perspectives of future cooperation between the History Institute within the University of Regensburg and the National Museum of Eastern Carpathians in Sf. Gheorghe.