Romanian The Roman Border Eastern of Dacia Provence

The project work includes a number of different activities worth mentioning, such as:

  • Archive and library research

  • This will provide for an inventory of all the Roman Age sites reported so far in writing, beginning with priests' notes from neighbouring villages up to the digital National Archaeological Repository (

  • Archaeological-archaeometric prospections

  • They aim at field diagnosing of the interest points established by the archive and library investigations. Field surveys, core drillings and topographic precision measurements shall be carried out in this purpose.

  • Re- Inventorying older excavations

  • Targets site documentation and archaeological materials from excavations carried out in various archaeological sites of interest.

  • Geophysical prospecting

  • Magnetometry allows processing images below current ground surface and may lead to the identification of archaeological remains hidden below the surface to a depth of up to 2 m. The field of magnetometric applications in archaeology has known a remarkable development in these past years. Devices that now became standard equipment for researchers and archaeologists, were considered, just a few years ago,sophisticated instruments available only to select geophysicists. A wide-scale application of this research technology in Romania has so far been limited by the lack of suitable apparatus.

  • Phosphates and Micronutrients Mapping

  • It involves identifying the concentration of microelements in the soil inside or outside the archaeological sites. For phosphorus, it can be used as an indicator of the presence of organic matter in ancient times, allowing determination, with more or less precision, of the functionality of archaeological complexes. Mapping and analysing the distribution of certain trace elements in the site area or in a site complex will offer the possibility of identifying economic activities carried out in ancient times.

  • Summary of results

  • After undertaking all these research steps the results will be analysed and interpreted in terms of the sciences whose methods were applied, i.e. archaeology, pedology and geophysics. These results will culminate in writing a historical work on the Eastern Border of Dacia.